Tuesday, February 3, 2009

World Changers Check Point---->>>>>>>

Time for a check in.
Please ask yourself the following THREE questions- if any answer is "NO"- please make the necessary changes so that ALL THREE answers become "YES".

1. Am I doing S.O.A.P. daily in my journal?
2. Am I bringing my Bibles and S.O.A.P. Journal to church every Sunday?
3. Am I completing the upcoming lesson PRIOR to my group meeting?

If your asking where you get the lesson, there are three options:
1. on this blog (see the last post (1/31) it shows a link titled "Lesson 7". or you can click here.
2. at www.turnonthepower.org, go to "World Changers", then go to "5th grade", then go to "check assignment".
3. Behind the stage where you sign in - paper copies of the lesson are on the table.

Monthly scripture will be posted on this blog also.

See you this Sunday!!

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